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SOS - Save our skulls!

Susan Elaine Jones

Do yourself a favour. Rather than receive the same old Christmas jumper and socks this year, get your relatives to buy you a skull! There are dozens still available from this wonderful Christmas catalogue, (original link now dead, so put link to my copy) produced by the Mütter Museum in Philadelphia.

Hyrtl skull collection at the Mutter Museum

To be fair, you don't get to take your skull home. But thousands of people will come to admire it. When did anyone admire your last Christmas present? Comments of "oh, nice jumper" don't count, as they are always sarcastic.

You can also add the message of your choice - and so impress your kin and the general public with your benevolence. Or even wit, if you have any.

Proving I have none, to everyone going to the Mütter Museum, you might just catch sight of one little note saying "Sue Jones, English Skull Fan"! Anyone who emails in telling me which skull it is will receive a T-shirt! (I do know which skull I sponsored; I just want to know that you went to support the museum.)

Also the Hyrtl skull collection is very, very historically important. I won't spoil the article but in summary, science 1, phrenology 0.

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