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Why you should always go back

Susan Elaine Jones

It isn't long ago that I went to Norwich Museum for the first time. (Okay, it turns out it was over a year ago... not much happens in my life.) But this week, I went back. Somewhat by accident, as I was planning to prioritise seeing the cathedral this time (who somehow bagged the web address - savvy, those norwichians!).

Norwich roads - WTAF?

However, I didn't get to see the cathedral.

I DID get to see this monstrosity of a road junction at least three times in an hour.

It is NOT well mapped. The TomTom said "turn right - turn right - turn right - oh you missed your turn", and the iPhone said "left turn ahead - no not that one" and they both proceeded to direct the car through the middle of the pedestrianised/bus only sections of the city again, totally ignoring the A147 ringroad. Norwich, it turns out, is more dangerous for vanishing than the Bermuda Triangle. I guess this might just be "Normal for Norfolk". But I swear, it isn't my ME/CFS.

Bird wearing a pirate eye patch

So, whilst re-re-visiting the directions for Agricultural Hall Plain, I pointed the car into the only safe parking area, and went back to the museum instead. And I'm so glad that I did. Because even when you think spending many hours photographing and sketching just one gallery of a museum means you didn't miss anything, firstly, you will have missed something, and secondly, something new will have been added.

I missed this taxidermy bird in the "on the high seas" display case... and yes, it IS wearing a pirate's eye patch!

And, since I was last here, I'm sure that this little chap has been added... yes, that's some elf like creature, riding a snail, in a giant clam. There were many other little characters added to the cases - I guess for a Christmas trail, but enjoyed just spotting them dotted around, having fun.

Giant clam with a new exhibit

So, once you've been in a museum, why not go back and see what you missed, and what they've changed! Just be careful of the roads.

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