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Puffins and guillemots
Photos of Puffin skeleton, Guillemot skeleton, and Thick-billed Murre (also known as Brünnich's guillemot or Pallas' murre) skeleton..
Mormon fratercula, Uria aalge and Uria lomvia skeletons.
Closely related to waders and waterbirds, these are primarily of the auk family.
Courtesy of the University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge
Puffin skeleton
Mormon fratercula
Puffin skeleton
Mormon fratercula
Puffin skeleton
Mormon fratercula
Puffin skeleton
Mormon fratercula
Puffin skeleton
Mormon fratercula
Puffin skeleton
Mormon fratercula
Guillemot skeleton
Uria aalge
Guillemot skeleton
Uria aalge

Guillemot skeleton
Uria aalge

Guillemot skeleton
Uria aalge

Guillemot skeleton
Uria aalge

Guillemot skeleton
Uria aalge

Thick-billed murre - 1953
Uria lomvia

Thick-billed murre - 1952
Uria lomvia

Thick-billed murre - 1950
Uria lomvia

Thick-billed murre - 1947
Uria lomvia

Thick-billed murre - 1951
Uria lomvia

Thick-billed murre - 1948
Uria lomvia
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